All Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Qualifications (RFQs), Invitation for Bids (IFB) and any solicitations falling under the disciplines of A&E (Architect and Engineering) will be made available through Intergrated Marketing Systems (IMS) and posted in the Butte County Association of Governments "Projects" web page. The links to these pages are listed below.
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On March 30, 2023, BCAG informed any contacts listed on previous potential bidders/vendors lists of the current process for notifications. This was the only notice that will be delivered via email regarding this process. BCAG is not responsible for changes in email contacts that it was not notified of prior to that date.
Current Opportunities
Current Opportunities
Current Opportunities
October 8, 2024
As the owner and operator of Butte Regional Transit (B-Line), BCAG is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to develop the B-Line Marketing Plan.
Proposals Due Date and Time: October 8, 2024 at 12:00 PM
Download Request for Proposals (RFP) Documents:
- Request for Proposals (99 pages – 5 MB)
Contact Persons:
Sara Cain, Transit Manager
Amy White, Transportation Analyst
Questions Received:
- It appears as though Exhibit A, the Scope of Work wasn’t added to the RFP? This has been updated as of 9/8/2024 and can be found on PDF page 43.
- Is the date in SECTION 17 - TERM left open due to the fact the contract would be for a specific amount of time? Meaning, perhaps the funding would support a six month execution and therefore that end date will only be known upon contract execution? The contract term largely depends on the consultant’s proposed schedule and any negotiations that take place after consultant selection.
- Per the approved 24/25 FY budget, it shows a line item for Public Outreach. Does this program fall under that budget line item? The grant does not fall under the Public Outreach category in the B-Line budget. This line item is for staff’s marketing and outreach efforts, translation, website, and other outreach related tasks.
- Is the grant that is funding this project disclosed anywhere? The grant funding for the project is not publicized. The consultant should prepare a cost proposal that is in line with the scope work and other tasks to complete the project.
Is this a new program or is there an incumbent? Page 4 of the RFP contains more information on the purpose and background of the project.
Would you please send over the B-Line Routing Study from 2023? None of the links to the document work. Page 4 of the RFP has been updated accordingly. The Routing Study can also be found online here: https://www.blinetransit.com/About-B-Line/Transit-Studies--Projects/B-Line-Routing-Study/index.html
- Is there a deadline for questions? When does BCAG anticipate releasing responses to questions? Questions must be received before the proposal deadline stated in the RFP. Questions are posted on the BCAG website here: https://www.bcag.org/Projects/RFPs/index.html
- Is Form 12 required for all questions? Or can they be submitted via email? Form 12 is used for requests for changes to the RFP document. For example, if B-Line were asking for a specific product to be used in a project, the potential bidder uses this form to ask if they can substitute another brand, type, etc., or to request clarification why that product must be used. General questions are fine to be submitted via email.
- Page 7, regarding the request to use a black font – will colored ink be permitted for accent text? Use of black font color applies to the entire document.
- Has a date or date range been identified for interviews? Will they be in person or virtual? The date range for interviews may be determined after proposals are received. If interviews are conducted, they will be held virtually.
- Please clarify the scope of services. It appears to include the following elements: Service rebranding and marketing plan development (under Planning Elements) and marketing plan implementation (under Creative Elements). Across what time period will the provision of Creative Elements be required? Please refer to Attachment A for BCAG Expected Scope of Work. The contractor should provide a schedule showing the delivery of products.
- Give the Scope of Work (under “Creative Elements”) includes examples of materials and activities that could be provided and do not include definite quantities, how should bidders budget for these items? Produced items, such as posters and brochures, do not require stated quantities as B-Line will be responsible separately for the actual production for distribution of these products. Bidders should use their best judgement to provide costs for the activities.
- Please confirm Exhibit C is part of the sample contract and nothing bidders need to provide with their proposals. Exhibit C – Technical Specifications Checklist needs to be completed by the contractor and submitted with the proposal.
- Do insurance certificates need to be submitted with the proposal or only upon award? Insurance certificates must be provided with proposal.
- Does a W-9 need to be submitted with the proposal or only upon award? W-9 must be provided with proposal.
- When does BCAG expect to issue a Notice to Proceed? Notice to Proceed is largely dependent on any negotiations and requested modifications to the contract that take place after a consultant is selected.
- Is there a contract term established for this procurement or a project timeline that BCAG would like the awarded vendor to follow? The contract term has not yet been established.
Is it possible to waive the requirement for professional liability insurance, and accept simply general liability? Most marketing firms do not carry errors and omissions insurance, since the type of work we do does not involve the kind of liability that would be covered for an engineer, architect, or facilities planner. Yes. Please specify this in your proposal.
The RFP specifies that the proposal be no more than 25 pages, excluding PDF attachments. Is it correct that the following would qualify as attachments? The page limit excludes the following: cover sheet, table of contents, index sheets, and attachments. Resumes and any graphic design samples do count towards the page limit. The required forms do not count towards the page limit: resumes, graphic design samples from prior transit marketing projects, the various forms included in the checklist. The page limit excludes the following: cover sheet, table of contents, index sheets, and attachments. Resumes and any graphic design samples do count towards the page limit. The required forms do not count towards the page limit.
The scope of work specifies that the contractor will provide “printer-ready” graphic files (including translated materials), but BCAG will be responsible for all printing. This makes sense. Can we assume this will be the case with media placement and social media as well: We provide recommendations and creative materials, but BCAG will handle placement and posting, hence our budget does NOT need to address these costs which will be determined based on the plan. Correct? Correct.
When does B-Line anticipate launching the new service plan, or has that already happened? The contractor should provide a schedule showing the delivery of products for the Marketing Plan.
What are the minimum insurance requirements? Please refer to PDF page 7 of the RFP for Insurance Coverage details.
Do Chico State students use the B-Line transit system? Are they a large portion of ridership in that area? Yes, the University provides students with free transit. CSU students/staff comprise about 30% of B-Line ridership.
Does B-Line utilize partner advertising such as corporate vehicle wraps, etc... to help generate revenue? We partner with Lamar Advertising to advertise on our fixed route vehicles. B-Line staff manages advertisements on the interior of buses. More information can be found on our website: https://www.blinetransit.com/About-B-Line/Advertising-On-Transit/index.html
- I understand that the Proposal Document must be in black. Does this also apply to the cover of the proposal? Does the cover have to be black and white (as it includes a photo) or can we use color here? The proposal requires black font color. Color images/photos are fine.
- Has B-Line conducted a passenger survey or any other market research during the past few years (post-pandemic)? We completed a passenger survey as part of the Routing Study: https://www.blinetransit.com/About-B-Line/Transit-Studies--Projects/B-Line-Routing-Study/index.html
How much help are you hoping for with creating updated passenger information materials, including route maps, system maps, and schedules? Attachment A details the expected scope of work, including these items.
- Are electronic signatures permissible? Yes.
- Can I have colors in charts or shading to draw attention to a new section? or do charts need to be black and white exclusively? Charts can be colored but the proposal requires black font color.
Are we allowed to place hyperlinks on the document if the font is black? Yes.
On Page 43 of the RFP in the Scope of Work outlined under "Creative Elements", there is mention of "Professional photography/video for use with/as radio/tv commercials." What specific types of photography and video content are required (e.g., promotional, testimonials, behind-the-scenes)? How many different locations or sets will be involved in the shoot? What is the expected duration of the final content (e.g., 30-second commercials, longer promotional videos)? How many shooting days are anticipated, and will there be multiple shooting sessions? What level of editing and post-production is expected (e.g., basic edits, advanced graphics, sound design)? Will additional costs for talent, locations, or equipment need to be factored into the estimates? These details have not yet been determined. The consultant should provide a cost proposal that reflects their recommendations for the Marketing Plan.
In the Procurement Schedule on page 11 of the RFP, it indicates that “Pre-Award Protests/Complaints” are due by Noon on October 14, which is prior to the submission deadline for proposals. Can you please clarify what kind of protests would be submitted at that time? The pre-award protest process is open to those who wish to protest any issues in the procurement process prior to award.
- In section k. Cost Rates on page 7 of the RFP, it states that, “The contract will be a negotiated Actual Cost - Plus Fixed Fee Type contract.” However, it also asks for us to “state the prevailing wage rates” of the staff members who are anticipated to perform work on the contract. Can you please confirm whether we are required to list rates within our proposal document, or if we only are required to provide a fixed fee budget that’s to be submitted under a separate, “sealed” email attachment? Also, if we are to list rates, but prevailing wage does not apply to our firm, can you please clarify how to provide our rates? Please list any cost-related information in Exhibit B Cost Proposal, attached under a separate email attachment. If prevailing wage does not apply to your firm you do not need to include it in your proposal. Cost Proposal examples are included on PDF pages 47-56 of the RFP.
- For the Good Faith Form in the RFP, are we required to contact DBE-certified agencies outside of Butte County for these skills needed to meet the project scope's requirements? No.
- If not, will stating that we searched this database for these specific NAICS codes be enough to fulfill this requirement? Please refer to the instructions on Form 9A of the RFP (Record of Good Faith Efforts) to complete the narrative written statement.
- Can you clarify if produced portions within the scope of work are allowed to be completed by a DBE subcontractor? The Scope of Work (Attachment A) states that the contractor is not responsible for any printed materials.
- If we cannot find a DBE in the area for the creation of media materials such as video, how do we show Good Faith Effort (GFE) required in relation to DBEs? Instructions and requirements regarding the proposers GFE is outlined on page 6, section I, and on page 25 in Form 9E of the RFP.
- Where it specifies below "Submittals should be organized as follows:", do you want us to include each Form as a page in one PDF document that includes all Forms, followed by the Proposal addressing Items a – l of “VI. Proposal Content Requirements,” followed by Exhibit C – Technical Specifications Checklist, Insurance Certificate, and ending with the W-9? The only separate attachment apart from this single PDF containing all the above mentioned items would be Exhibit B – Cost Proposal? Correct.
- To clarify also around the Exhibit B – Cost Proposal, should this be a separate attachment but included in the same email that includes the proposal and other forms and documents, or should this be sent in an altogether separate email from the rest of the proposal, forms, exhibits, insurance and W-9? Please submit the Cost Proposal as a separate email attached titled Cost Proposal.
- To confirm, BCAG is not looking for a firm to execute any paid media? All materials will be printed by BCAG after the Plan is complete. The contractor is not responsible for any printed materials.
- A portion of our team is reading this RFP and concluding that in reality BCAG is looking for a plan to execute and that you are not looking for a firm to execute any paid media. Is that a correct conclusion? All materials will be printed by BCAG after the Plan is complete. The contractor is not responsible for any printed materials. Our expectation regarding non-printed media placement is that the proposing firm would explore the options for media advertising available considering our marketing goals and present options to us that could be included with the overall marketing plan. Also, the scope of work components in the RFP addresses the need to create copy for such media. This is regardless of who ends up producing the media. It is up to the proposer to decide how to integrate the creation of photography/video/audio into the proposal and, if selected, the final marketing plan.
- The BCAG Certification of Forms Attachment Checklist refers to an Exhibit C, Technical Specifications Checklist. Exhibit C is also referred to elsewhere as being a Technical Specifications Checklist. However, it's also referred to as Exhibit C Certification of Owner, which is also provided as part of the sample contract. We are not finding anything labeled Exhibit C, Technical Specifications Checklist, that looks like a checklist. Can you point us to that checklist or share a copy of it? The Technical Specifications Checklist can be found on PDF page 42. This was uploaded a few days after the RFP was posted online, so it may not be in the version you are using. We are not deducting points if firms do not fill it out since it was accidentally missed in the original upload.
- Can you please let us know where to find the contract # for form 9A and Exhibit 10-O2 in the RFP? CA-2024-146.
- What is the term of the contract? Should we plan the budget and deliverables by fiscal year? The contract term largely depends on the consultant’s proposed schedule and any negotiations that take place after consultant selection. The budget and deliverables do not need to be planned by fiscal year.
- As we are only a 13 person company, is the Affirmative Action Plan required as part of this form submission? Since you are a firm under 50 employees this requirement would not apply to you.
- Will a Dropbox link be allowed for submitting proposals? Please send the proposal via email. If you send it and do not receive a confirmation email, you will know it did not make its way to our mailbox.