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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

BCAG is responsible for preparing, adopting, and submitting a Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) to Caltrans, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The FTIP is a programming document that identifies all regionally significant transportation projects and programs for Butte County that will be funded by federal, state, and local funding sources within the short-term horizon. Projects identified in the FTIP include those for:
  • Streets and roads
  • Highways
  • Transit
  • Safety
  • Bridge reconstruction
  • Enhancements
  • Other programs that receive federal dollars or require some type of federal approval
All FTIP material and amendments are developed in consultation with the appropriate local, state, federal agencies, the public, the BCAG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and BCAG Board, as required. 
Comments or questions regarding the FTIP or any other BCAG planning or programming subject can be directed to Iván García, BCAG Programming Director by email at or by phone at the BCAG offices at 530-809-4616.  
2025 FTIP Amendments and Modifications

2025 FTIP Amendments and Modifications

Amendment #1 - New 2025 FTIP Air Quality Emissions Analysis and Conformity Determination.  The 2025 FTIP was adopted on September 26, 2024 with an AQ Emissions Analyisis and Confrormity Determination that was consistent with the 2020 RTP/SCS.  This amendment supplants the AQ Emissions Analysis and Conformity Determination with the same 2024 RTP/SCS scheduled for adoption on December 12, 2024.  This action ensures consistency betweent the RTP/SCS and the current 2025 FTIP.  Projects have not changed.  The Regional Conformity Determination is posted at the BCAG Regional Transportation Air Quality Plannng webpage (click here).  This amendement is scheduled for approval on December 12, 2024.
2025 FTIP development

2025 FTIP development

BCAG adopted the 2025 FTIP on September 26, 2024.  All information related to the FTIP will be posted here. The 2025 FTIP covers the four fiscal years (FFY 24/25, 25/26, 26/27 and 27/28). The FTIP also identifies all non-federal, regionally significant projects for information and air quality emissions modeling purposes. The FTIP indicates the area's short-term plan for use of federal dollars and other resources for the maintenance, operation, and improvement of the transportation system and the achievement of federal air quality standards over the next four federal fiscal years.
Projects that were not obligated in the previous 2023 FTIP are carried forward into the 2025 FTIP. The typical funding programs associated with the FTIP include the STIP, State Highways Operations and Protection Program (Caltrans SHOPP), Highway Bridge Program (Local Bridge Program), Federal Transit Administration Programs (Transit), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ), Highway Improvement Program (HIP) and Active Transportation Program (ATP).  The public is encouraged to reach out to BCAG for any project details. A public workshop has been scheduled to review the FTIP and address any questions.  
FTIP Document (Full Document with Appendices)
Appendix 2: Comments Received   
Appendix 4: Public Outreach & Notices    
Appendix 8: Grouped Listing / Backup Lists     
Appendix 11: Toll Credits        
Appendix 13:  2025 FTIP Checklist    
Grouped Listing for Local Bridge Projects (City of Chico & Butte County) - Highway Bridge Program (HBP)
Grouped Listing for Local Safety Projects (City of Chico & Butte County) - Highway Safety Impprovement Program (HSIP)
                              Agenda and Presentation   


  • BCAG / B Line - Zero Emission Bus Rollout.  This modification moved $2.5 million in CON funds from FY 22/23 to FY 23/24 to match FTA transfer fiscal year and time extension approved by the California Transportation Commission. No change in total funding. Funds for Bus Rollout Program will be used for charging or fueling equipment and related infrastructure necessary as defined in the B-Line Zero Emission Bus Rollout Program.
  • BCAG - FTA Section 5307 Program.  Minor MPO comments were made to the programming sheet to identify the development of a transit marketing plan to support capital and operating program efforts for Butte Regional Transit. No change in funding.
  • City of Oroville - Washington Ave and Table Mountain Blvd. Complete Streets Project.  This modification combined the Washington Ave and Table Mountain Blvd Complete Streets Projects for the environmental component within Preliminary Engineering.  This does not include any railroad bridge crossing or railroad right of way. This modification was made to facilitate the preliminary environmental studies.  No change in total funding. Also utilizing HIP funds available and toll credits. Net zero financial change.
  • City of Oroville - Table Mountain Blvd Complete Streets Project.  This modification transferred all funding to the combined Washington Ave and Table Mountain Blvd. Project.
  • Various Agencies - Grouped Projects for Bridge Rehabilitation and Reconstruction - HBP Program. the grouped listing was updated per Caltrans' updated list for 03/22/2024. There are no changes to the 11 bridges identified in the grouped listing.
  • Caltrans District 03 - Grouped Projects for Pavement resurfacing and/or rehabilitation - SHOPP Roadway Preservation.   Updated to reflect the increase in programmed funds that resulted from the approved PCR by the California Transportation Commission for an existing project per Caltrans HQ for a project on SR 99 in Gridley (1H140).  This change represented a 4 year TIP period change of 7%.
AMENDMENT #5 - Comment Period March 11, 2024 through March 26, 2024.  The BCAG Board of Directors approved this amendment at their March 28, 2024 Board meeting.  This item was presented at the February 22, 2024 Board meeting. The purpose of this amendment is described below:
  • City of Chico – Downtown Chico Complete Streets Project.  This amendment programs $2.051 million in Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) funds.  
  • Town of Paradise – Roe Rd Extension Preliminary Engineering for Phase 2 Project. This amendment programs Preliminary Engineering with Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds and Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program (LTCAP) funds. 
  • City of Oroville – Washington Ave. Complete Streets Project. This amendment programs $2 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program funds for Preliminary Engineering (PE) on Washington Avenue from Oroville Dam Boulevard East to the railroad bridge at Orange Avenue.
  •  City of Oroville – Table Mountain Blvd. Complete Streets Project. This amendment programs $500,000 in CMAQ Program funds for Preliminary Engineering. 
  • City of Biggs – 2nd Street bike and Pedestrian Project. This amendment programs $800,000 in CMAQ to address a funding shortfall to complete the construction component for an existing project.
  • Various Agencies – Federal Transit Administration Section 5310 Enhancement Program Grouped Listing Project.  This amendment programs $1.188 million in FTA Section 5310 funds as approved by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) at the January 2024 Commission meetings for BCAG/ Butte Regional Transit for 5 full size vans.
  • Delete Project: SR 99 Corridor Bikeway Phase 5 - 20th Street Crossing Project. This project is under construction and is no longer required to be included in the FTIP.
  • BCAG / Butte Regional Transit FTA Section 5339 Program. The purpose of this modification was to update the MPO Comments where toll credits are identified. Financial or project description has not changed. This update was made to match grant submittal for the project. No other changes were made.
Comment period June 20, 2023 through July 7, 2023. The purpose of this amendment is to program two new projects and make a technical correction to another as described below:
Town of Paradise - Roe Rd Extension Project. $60.4 million of which $1.8 million is Highway Infrastructure Program (HIP) funds and $58.6 million is from Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds (CDBG-DR).
Butte County – Cohasset Road Widening and Fire Safety Project.   $1.4 million in HIP funds to prepare a feasibility study and preliminary engineering studies.
Town of Paradise - Go Paradise / Skyway Link Project.  This amendment is a technical correction to change the description of providing Class II bike lanes to providing a Class I Bike/Ped Path as approved by the California Transportation Commission.
Comment period May 10, 2023 through May 25, 2023. The purpose of this amendment is to update financials for nine (9) existing exempt projects and program four (4) new exempt FTIP projects.  Details regarding the amendment and projects are included below
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 Program - BCAG. The purpose of this modification was to update the funds reflected in the FTIP to the actual apportionment. FTA funds were changed from $4 million to $3.16 million and Local Funds were changed from $4 million to $2.9 million in FFY 2022/23.
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Enhancement Program Grouped Listing - Various. The purpose of this modification was to update and reflect the FTA Section 5310 projects approved for BCAG by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) in June of 2022. This amendment reflects the adding to the grouped listing of 4 medium paratransit buses for $288,000 and $72,000 in FTA Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations.
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5311 Enhancement Program Grouped Listing - Various. The purpose of this minor modification was to update and reflect the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funds for the 2020/21 FFY for information. operating assistance to transit agencies and purchase of new buses to replace existing vehicles or for minor expansion of the fleet are exempt. 
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5311f Butte Regional Transit - BCAG. Local funds changed from $255,000 to $489,000 in FFY 22/23, $275,000 to $489,000 in FFY 23/24 and to $400,000 in FFY 24/25 & 25/26.
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5339 Program- BCAG. The project is a carryover project from the 2021 FTIP that was supposed to carry over into the 2023 FTIP. This amendment identifies the funding apportioned to BCAG for the FTA 5339(a) program.  The funding for this program will be used towards bus acquisition, and/or facility, IT, or software upgrades. This amendment programs the apportioned funds and project for a total of $862,000 in FTA Section 5339(a) funds.
Grouped Projects for Safety Improvements - HSIP Program – Various Agencies. The purpose of this modification is to update the HSIP Grouped listing and financial data as listed in the updated Caltrans HSIP list dated 03/15/2023. This amendment adds HSIP Cycle 11 projects to the grouped listing including: H11-03-001 for Butte County. The project is described as various locations along: Forbestown Rd, Coutolenc Rd, Skyway, Cohasset Rd., Palermo Honcut Hwy, and Lwr Honcut Rd. This amendment programs $249,930 in HSIP funding for FFY 23/24 and $28,770 in County in local funds for total of $249,930.
ATP Gap Closure Project – Town of Paradise.  The purpose of this amendment is to carry over the project from the 2017 FTIP. This project is under a time extension approved by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for construction.  This amendment adds $1 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds in the 22/23 FFY for the construction component. 
Hegan Lane Business Park Access Improvements – City of Chico.  The purpose of this amendment is to remove the CMAQ programming capacity of $125,000 in FFY 22/23 and $1,889,000 in FFY 23/24.
SR 99 Corridor Bikeway Phase 5 - 20th Street Crossing– City of Chico.  The purpose of this amendment is to carry over the project from the 2021 FTIP. This amendment adds $3.5 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) and $1.5 million in Local funds for the construction component.  The total cost of the project changed from $15.9 million to $19.4 million. 
South Oroville Bike and Ped Connectivity Project – Butte County.  This amendment programs a new Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 6 Project approved by the California Transportation Commission.  The scope of the project is to install sidewalks, pedestrian crossing safety enhancements and driver feedback signs along Autrey Lane and Monte Vista Avenue connecting the sidewalks to the schools in the area.  Project also installs an 8' Class 1 bike lane separated from traffic on the north end of Monte Vista Ave from Lincoln Blvd to Autrey Ln and 3' Class 2 Bike lanes along the south side of Monte Vista Ave, the West side of Autrey Ln and the west side of Lower Wyandotte connecting the bike lanes in the area. 
Go Paradise: Neal Gateway Project – Town of Paradise. This amendment programs a new Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 6 Project approved by the California Transportation Commission. The project is on Neal Rd from County/Town Limits to Skyway/Neal Junction in Paradise. The scope of the project is to add a new Class I pathway for 1.78 miles. This amendment programs $12.348 million in ATP funds and $720,000 in Local funds for a total project cost of $13.068 million. Projects, Table 2 “Air Quality” indicating that bicycle and pedestrian facilities are exempt.
Go Paradise: Pentz Student Pathway – Town of Paradise. This amendment programs a new Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 6 Project approved by the California Transportation Commission. This project is along Pentz Road from Pentz/Skyway to Wagstaff Rd and Bille Rd to Pearson Rd. This project completes a four-mile corridor of Class I path for bicyclists and pedestrians to create a continuous facility. This amendment programs $22.009 million in ATP funds and $1.284 million in Local funds for a total project cost of $23.239 million.
Go Paradise: Skyway Link Project – Town of Paradise. This amendment programs a new Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 6 Project approved by the California Transportation Commission. This project is on the Skyway between Bille Rd and Wagstaff Rd. The project consists of sidewalk infill and Class II bike lanes. The project length is approximately 0.61 miles. This amendment programs $6.704 million in ATP funds and $106,000 in Local funds for a total project cost of $6.810 million.
This modification updates the SHOPP Program and the local Highway Bridge Program Grouped listing:
Grouped Projects for Safety Improvements - SHOPP Collision Reduction Program. The purpose of this modification was to update the grouped listing to reflect a California Transportation Commission (CTC) time extension on project that should have carried into the 23 TIP. The action taken by the Commission in June 2022 by Waiver 22-73 resulted in construction funds extending into the 2022/23 fiscal year. This project is a continuation from the 2021 FTIP period. This modification adds back in PPNO 2216 - SR 32 Near Chico, from Gianella Rd to Muir Ave, install lighting, widen shoulders, upgrade end treatments at bridge approaches and rehab culverts.

Grouped Projects for Bridge Rehabilitation and Reconstruction - HBP Program. The purpose of this modification was to update the grouped listing to the list provided by Caltrans HQ dated 10/24/22. This list reflects the adding of the following projects to the grouped listing:

1. Bridge No. 12C0009L Skyway Rd WB, Over Butte Creek, 0.5 mile southeast of Humbug Rd. The scope of the project is to replace a 2-lane bridge with a new 2-lane bridge.

2. Bridge No. 12C0022, Oroville Gridley Hwy over Feather River, 1 mile east of Larkin Rd. This is a Standalone Scour Countermeasure Project.

3. Bridge No. 12C0301, Cana Hwy over Pine Creek, 4 Mile west of State Route 99. This is a
Standalone Scour Countermeasure Project

4. Advances Bridge No. 12C0242, Ord Ferry over Little Chico Creek from FY 24/25 to FY 22/23 per Caltrans at the request of Butte County from the 2024/25 fiscal year to the 2022/23 fiscal year without change to funding identified in the 10/24/22 grouped listing.
2023 Federal Transportation Improvement Program

2023 Federal Transportation Improvement Program

The purpose of the FTIP is to identify all transportation-related projects that require federal funding or other approval by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The 2021 FTIP will cover the next four fiscal years (FFY 22/23, 23/24, 24/25 and 25/26). 
                     Interagency Consultation Review Memorandum
                     Attachment #1   
                     Attachment #2   
                     Attachment #3    
Grouped Project Listings:
Annual Obligation Reports

Annual Obligation Reports

These reports identify each specific project that was obligated during the referenced federal fiscal year.  A federal fiscal year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th. These reports summarize how much federal transportation funding was invested or "obligated" in Butte County. Projects included are for each of the cities, Butte County, BCAG and Caltrans District 3. All projects are located in Butte County. Questions regarding the report can be directed to Ivan Garcia, BCAG Programming Director at 530-809-4616 or by email at

Annual Obligation Reports:
Prior year obligation reports are available upon request.