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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

Regional Transportation Air Quality Planning

BCAG's Role in transportation air quality planning

BCAG's Role in transportation air quality planning

BCAG’s transportation planning and programming responsibilities follow Federal and State Clean Air Act requirements.  BCAG's responsibilities include keeping the BCAG Board of Directors and member jurisdictions informed of relevant transportation-air quality regulations, developing the required Air Quality Conformity Determination and Emissions Analysis for the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Federal Transportaton Improvement Program (FTIP).
Air Quality Conformity is the requirement to quantify and document that all federally funded transportation projects, or projects requiring federal approval as proposed for funding in BCAG’s RTP and FTIP, will not further degrade air quality and are consistent with the goals in the appropriate State Implementation Plan (SIP).  BCAG develops the required Air Quality Conformity Determination in consultation with various federal, state, Tribal and local government entities, and the public through the Interagency Consultation Review (ICR) process.  BCAG reviews all elements of the Conformity Determination process with its Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), which includes representatives from the public works and planning departments of each city, town, and county, as well as representatives from Butte County Air Quality Management District (BCAQMD), Caltrans, Tribal governments, citizen representatives, and other interested or affected agencies.
BCAG's Transportation air quality status

BCAG's Transportation air quality status

With the establishment of the federal 8-hour ozone standard in 2004, Butte County was classified as “basic – subpart one non-attainment” for ozone countywide. Effective July 20, 2012, Butte County was designated “marginal non-attainment” for the 2008 federal ozone standard.  Effective August 3, 2018, Butte County was designated “marginal non-attainment” for the 2015 federal ozone standard.  As a result of a 2018 State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision approved by EPA, Butte County (Chico Urbanized area) was re-designated from “non-attainment” to “attainment with a Maintenance SIP for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) under the EPA 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS”.  Because of these designations, BCAG’s transportation planning requirements are subject to the Air Quality Conformity provisions per EPA’s Transportation Conformity Rule.


October 11, 2024 - Meeting Materials
  • Agenda
    • Item #1 - ICR Review of BCAG's Draft 2024 RTP Air Quality Emissions Analysis and Conformity Determination
August 19, 2024 - Meeting Materials
  • Agenda
    • Item #1 - Consultation on PM 2.5 Hot-Spot Conformity Assessment for the Guynn Avenue Bridge Replacement Project in the City of Chico (CTIPS# 202-0000-0108)
    • Item #2 - ICR Review of BCAG’s Draft 2025 FTIP Air Quality Conformity Determination and 2020 RTP Amendment #3 (revised 8/6/2024)
Regional Conformity determinations

Regional Conformity determinations

2024 RTP and 2025 FTIP - Air Quality Emissions Analysis and Conformity Determination
2020 RTP and 2025 FTIP - Air Quality Emissions Analysis and Conformity Determination
  • 2025 FTIP - Adopted by BCAG Board: 09/26/2024
2020 RTP and 2023 FTIP - Air Quality Emissions Analysis and Conformity Determination
project level conformity

project level conformity

PM 2.5 Project-Level Conformity Determination Process and Forms
PM 2.5 Hot Spot Interagency Review Projects
Contact Us

Contact Us

If you have comments or questions regarding the Regional Transportation Air Quality Planning, please contact Brian Lasagna, Regional Analyst at (530) 809-4616, or by email at