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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

Transit & Non-Motorized Plan

As the owner and operator of Butte Regional Transit, BCAG is responsible for preparing the Butte County Transit & Non-Motorized Plan. The Plan outlines transit service and pedestrian and bicycling recommendations to expand mobility, improve intermodality, and result in a set of recommended local and intercity public transit services, improved bikeway and bicycle paths, and improved pedestrian access to transit. These recommendations are integrated to the Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). 
2021 Plan 

2021 Plan 

BCAG recently updated the 2021 Transit & Non-Motorized Plan as part of the Post Camp Fire Study. The updated plan identifies efficiencies in urban and rural transit service needed to manage the recent population shifts, increased traffic congestion, and service to temporary housing for Camp Fire evacuees. The Plan also provides near and long term recommendations to improve B-Line ridership and operations and access to transit by walking or bicycling. 
2015 Plan

2015 Plan

The previous Transit & Non-Motorized Plan was prepared by BCAG in April 2015. The study included a number of key steps: 
  • An inventory of transit services and bicycle/pedestrian facilities
  • Understanding travel patterns, transit needs and service gaps in Butte County
  • An evaluation of B-Line fixed route and paratransit services
  • Public input, via an on-line survey, data collection on B-Line buses, stakeholder meetings and public meetings.
The full 2015 Plan can be found here.
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If you have comments or questions regarding the Transit & Non-Motorized Plan, please contact Sara Cain at 530-809-4616 or by email at