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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

2024 RTP/SCS Update 
Past RTP/SCS Documents
regional transportation plan / Sustainable Communites Strategy

regional transportation plan / Sustainable Communites Strategy

As the MPO, BCAG is required to prepare a RTP/SCS document and conduct updates every four years. The RTP/SCS specifies the policies, projects, and programs necessary over a 20+ year period to maintain, manage, and improve the region's transportation system.
The RTP/SCS identifies the region's transportation improvement priorities for the next 20 years, including public transit, bike and pedestrian facilities, and roadway projects. Projects included in the RTP must have an identified funding source and can be local, regional, state, or federal projects.  The RTP is a federal requirement and the SCS is a state requirement.  The SCS has its own extensive process to ensure compliance with state guidelines.
sustainable communities strategy

sustainable communities strategy

In September 2008 Governor Schwarzenegger signed Senate Bill 375 (SB 375), also known as the Sustainable Communities and Climate Change At of 2008, as the mechanism to implement passenger vehicle greenhouse gas reductions outlined in Assembly Bill 32.

Under SB 375, BCAG, as the region's Metropolitan Planning Organization, has been designated by the state to prepare the region's Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) as an additional element of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The SCS identifies the forecasted development pattern for the region, which, when integrated with the transportation network, and other transportation measures and policies, will meet the passenger vehicle greenhouse gas reduction target for the region. BCAG developed the first SCS for the region in 2012.
contact us

contact us

If you have questions regarding the RTP/SCS for the Butte County region or wish to be placed on the RTP/SCS email notification list, please contact Chris Devine at, Iván García at or by calling 530-809-4616.