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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

BCAG is developing the 2024 update of the Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) which is due to be adopted by the BCAG Board of Directors on December 12, 2024.
A draft 2024 RTP/SCS document and accompanying Supplemental EIR (SEIR) document are available below for review. The draft 2024 RTP/SCS is available for a 55-day review period from September 18, 2024 to November 12, 2024. The draft SEIR document is is available for a 45-day review period through November 4, 2024. To submit comments, please email Chris Devine or Ivan Garcia at or, or call the BCAG office at 530-809-4616.
During the review period, BCAG staff will be attending several community events to disseminate information on the plan documents and receive community input including:
Thu - 9/26 - Chico Farmer's Market
Sat - 9/28 - Oroville - Salmon Festival
Fri – 10/25 – Paradise – Butte County Public Health Community Gratitude Fair
Thu – 10/31 – Chico – Downtown Treat Street – 2 to 5 p.m. 
Sat - 11/2 - Gridley - Dia de los Muertos 
Fri – 11/8 – Gridley – Butte County Public Health Community Gratitude Fair
Also, a virtual public workshop was held on Tuesday, October 15th from 4:00 - 5:00PM. The PowerPoint slides and video recording of the meeting are now available for review.
Additionally, copies of the documents are available at the public libraries in Chico, Gridley, Paradise, and Oroville.
BCAG is required to prepare and update the RTP/SCS every four years. All material presented and prepared will be posted here. If you are interested in receiving notification of material as it is prepared or public workshops, please send an email to,, or call the BCAG offices at 530-809-4616.  The RTP/SCS is required to be in alignment with the goals of SB 375 and in compliance with the adopted RTP Guidelines developed by the California Transportation Commission and the SCS guidelines adopted by California Air Resources Board.
Public participation has been occuring throughout the development of the 2024 RTP/SCS over the past two years. BCAG has participated in Thursday night Farmers Market and other local community events including Red Suspender's Day at the Butte County Fair, Juneteenth celebration in South Oroville, Dia de Los Mertos in Gridley and other events, as well as hosting a virtual community workshop and completing a community survey. These efforts are ongoing and ensure that the 2024 RTP/SCS incorporates community input and preferences.
Si Ud. esta interesado en participar o aprender mas sopre la preparacion de este proyecto, favor de comunicarse con Ivan Garcia, 530-809-4603 o por coreo electronico a
A Regional Travel Survey report has been developed to inform the development of the 2024 RTP/SCS update. This report combines demographic and anonymized cellular location data along with survey data from the community and local employers.
Additional Project Documents
Draft Regional Growth Forecasts (revised April 2024)
Draft Technical Methodology (revised September 2024)
As additional draft documents are produced they will be posted here. For additional information on the 2024 RTP/SCS update, email Chris Devine or Ivan Garcia at or


The RTP/SCS has 4 required elements:
  • Policy Element - Identifying the Goals, Objectives and Policies
  • Action Element - Identification of all modes of transportation
  • Financial Element - Financial forecasts for BCAG for the horizon of the Plan
  • Sustainable Communities Strategy
In addition, the RTP/SCS has:
  • Regional Emissions Analysis
  • Environmental Impact Report


A program-level Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) has been prepared for the 2024 update of the Butte County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS). Hard copies are available for review at the Chico, Oroville, Gridley and Paradise public libraries.
Please submit comments to: or
public workshopS & PARTICIPATION

public workshopS & PARTICIPATION

Public Notice for 10/15/2024 workshop:  Virtual Zoom Workshop on the complete draft RTP/SCS and SEIR.  Participants can attend via zoom at: 
02/17/2024:  African American Cultural Center - Block Party.  Thank you everyone for stopping at the BCAG/B-Line table.  Due to the uncertainty of the weather, it was moved to the Southside Community Center.
11/02/2023:  Dia De Los Muertos Event.  Gridley, CA  Gracias a todo el publico por llegar a nuestra mesa de informacion. 
09/14/2013:  The September 14th virtual public workshop has been completed. Thank you to everyone that participated and provided input! To request a copy of the recording, please contact Chris Devine at or Ivan Garcia at
Spring 2023:  Thursdays Farmer's Market:  BCAG / B-Line Informational Boothe 
11/2/2022:  Dia De Los Muertos. Gridley California. Dadow Park.
2024 RTP/SCS survey

2024 RTP/SCS survey

The 2024 RTP/SCS survey is available here. Thanks to everyone who participated to help inform transportation funding decisions and determine how economic and housing growth will be distributed in Butte County over the next 20+ years! BCAG will use input received from the survey to help formulate the 2024 RTP/SCS update.