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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

Regional Transportation Improvement Program

Regional Transportation Improvement Program

As the RTPA, BCAG is required to prepare a Regional Transportation Improvement program (RTIP) every two years. The purpose of the RTIP is to identify programming recommendations for the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is comprised of two components, the Regional Improvement Program  (RIP) for projects nominated by regional agencies in California, such as BCAG and the Interregional Improvement Program (IIP) for projects nominated by Caltrans. The STIP is adopted by the California Transportation Commission.
2024 RTIP

2024 RTIP

BCAG has prepared and approved the 2024 RTIP.  The RTIP is required to be submitted to the California Transportation Commission by December 15, 2023.  The RTIP was adopted by the BCAG Board of Directors on December 7, 2023BCAG issued a Call-for-Projects making available $8.4 million for the next five fiscal years beginning July 1, 2024.  Questions can be directed to Iván García at: or by phone at 530-809-4603.  If you would like to be placed on an email distribution list, please send us an email.
2024 RTIP - Adopted  (with attachments)  (Updated per CTC Comments for Chico and County ePPRs  - 01/19/2024)  
Project Study Reports   
Project Location Maps   
BCAG Board of Directors - Draft Project Recommendations Memorandum   
BCAG TAC Meeting - Draft Project Recommendations with project location maps
2022 RTIP 

2022 RTIP 

Monday, September 27th
12 - 1p.m.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 886 3760 2430
One tap mobile:  +16699006833,,88637602430#
2022 RTIP Document Development
12/09/2021 - Scheduled BCAG Board Adoption of RTIP   
10/01/2021 -  Project Nomitations Due to BCAG  
09/27/2021 - Zoom Public Workshop Notice (published in local newspapers and B-Line Transit Fleet)  
08/05/2021 - BCAG TAC (Includes schedule, funding and requirements for all projects)
Requirements for ALL Projects
1. Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy – All projects are required to be included in the current 2020 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). Projects in the 2020 RTP/SCS include: 
3. Criteria for Measuring Performance and Cost-Effectiveness – Depending on project, some level of performance metric demonstration is required. The project level benefit evaluation is listed in the STIP guidelines and posted at: The criterion in the guidelines aims to capture; VMT reductions, air quality benefits, mode shift, distance to transit service and safety benefits as relevant to the project. (under development).
4. ePPR – Electronic Project Programming Request form is required. Guidance and the Electronic Project Programming Request (ePPR) APPLICATION is posted here at:
Resources STIP/RIP
Caltrans Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Report  (documents current Caltrans activities that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions and to identify future opportunities for further reducing GHG emissions - For information only.)
ePPR (electronic Project Programming Request Application   
Resources CRRSAA  
CRRSAA ePPR Guidanance   (Generating ePPrs for new CRRSAA Projects thru CalSMART) 
CRRSAA Allocation Form  (Caltrans Allocation Form)
CalSTA - Climate Action Plan for Transportation (CAPTI)  - The CAPTI builds on executive orders signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2019 and 2020 targeted at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in transportation, which account for more than 40 percent of all polluting emissions, to reach the state's ambitious climate goals.
Executive Order N-19-19  -  Directs CalSTA to leverage discretionary state transportation funds to reduce GHG emissions in the transportation sector and adapt to climate change.
CAPTI Implementation Webinar - Presentation Slides  and Video  (posted on youtube)  
California Air Resource Board (CARB)