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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

Performance Measures

Regional Performance Measures

Regional Performance Measures

As the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Butte County region, BCAG is required to establish targets, track, and report the areas performance measures mandated under the federal Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), in coordination with Caltrans and the local jurisdictions.
MAP-21 placed new and stronger emphasis on measuring and monitoring the performance of the transportation system and requires states and MPOs to implement a performance-based approach to planning and programming.  Performance-based planning and programming includes using transportation performance measures, setting targets, reporting performance, and programming transportation investments directed toward the achievement of transportation system performance outcomes.  The performance targets ensure states and MPOs invest resources in transportation projects that achieve national goals in safety, infrastructure condition, congestion, reliability, freight movement, environmental sustainability, and reduced project delivery delays.
BCAG coordinates with Caltrans and local agencies, as needed, to establish regional targets and invest resources in projects to achieve those targets.  Listed below are the four sets of performance management targets the region addresses.
  • Safety Performance Management (PM1): Fatalities and Injuries
  • Pavement and Bridge Condition Performance Management (PM2): Infrastructure Condition
  • System Performance Management (PM3): Freight movement, congestion, and reliability
  • Transit Asset Management (TAM) and Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTSAP): State of good repair and safety for transit
Latest Available Regional Target Information
PM2 (Pavement and Bridge) - Targets 2018-2022
PM3 (Reliability and Congestion) - Targets 2018-2022, Targets 2022-2025
Transit - Targets 2021
2020 Regional Transportation Plan / 2023 Federal Transportation Improvement Program - System Performance Report
2020 Regional Transportation Plan / 2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program - System Performance Report
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If you have comments or questions regarding the Regional Performance Measures, please contact Brian Lasagna, Regional Analyst at (530) 809-4616, or by email at