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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

Coordinated Transportation Plan

Introduction to Plan

Introduction to Plan

BCAG has developed a Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plan in response to legislation under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Act:A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).


SAFETEA-LU requires this locally developed plan to establish "a unified comprehensive strategy for public transportation service delivery" through a coordinated planning process to address unmet needs of target populations.  Funds available under the SAFETEA-LU programs are matched by local human service resources and other funding to leverage more transportation for targeted individuals.


The plan specifically identifies and prioritizes projects eligible for Federal funding to address transportation needs of 1) persons of low income, 2) persons with disabilities and 3) seniors.

BCAG worked with the transit planning firms AMMA and Transit Resource Center to prepare this plan.


An update to this plan is slated to begin in FY 2024/25.


Plan Goals

Plan Goals

To improve the target populations' mobility in Butte County through coordinated partnerships and projects.

  1. To identify and promote partnerships to address specialized transportation needs among public or private non-profit, social service agencies or advocacy groups working with target populations.
  2. To identify possible projects that can respond to needs and gaps emerging through the process and potential partners for the implementation of these.
  3. To encourage new partnerships for the development of these projects and application for funding under the Coordinated Planning process.